Tuesday, February 22, 2011

VSR40: There's an App for That

Apple's iDevices are gaining lots of traction in the education sphere lately, and with good reason. They have many of the characteristics of an almost perfect learning device, so it's no wonder so many schools around the world are trying to work out how they might best fit into the learning process. Rob Newberry, Tyler Sherwood and Brett Moller all work in schools that are exploring ways that the iPad, iPhone and iPad touch can be leveraged for greater learning.

In this episode we hear some of the successes and lessons learned about deploying iDevices, we hear about an app written for Brett's school in Queensland, as well as a quick round of app recommendations at the end.
Apps mentioned in this episode


  1. Great chat guys... Here is the link to our school app

  2. Thanks mate, I've updated the notes. I originally had a look for it, but couldn't find the link easily. Since it was 1:30am I thought I'd leave it and you'd eventually let me know. Which you did. :-)

    Thanks again for the chat... I think this episode is one of the better ones.

  3. Chris says, "I think this episode is one of the better ones"

    Difficult to tell, Chris .. all the episodes are excellent.

  4. Nice podcast... thanks. Have passed it on to our admin as we think ahead to next school year.

  5. THanks Stephen and Ben. It's great that you found it useful. Makes the production effort all worthwhile! :-)

  6. http://tinyurl.com/4c62jmb
    Interesting video from US school district. Not what I wuld call exciting/engaging apps but.....
